Everything you Need to Know about Thyroxine

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What is Thyroxine??What does Thyroxine do for the body?

Thyroxine (also referred to as T4) is a hormone produced by the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland also creates a hormone called triiodothyronine (T3).?Both of these hormones aid in supporting the thyroid and are produced when the pituitary gland creates thyroid-stimulating hormone (also referred to as TSH).

So what do these hormones do?

The thyroid, T3 and T4 all together play an important role in energy production, growth and development, weight maintenance and mood stability.

These are all important functions that are necessary to keep you’re body in balance.

Here’s a short clip on thyroxine as a thyroid mechanism

What happens when there is an imbalance of Thyroxine in the body?

When either of the hormones T3 or T4 (Thyroxine) become excessive you get:


or if they drop below normal levels you get:


serious effects on the body can result from these conditions.?

Below are symptoms associated with each specific imbalance of thyroxine and T3.?Common symptoms associated with?hyperthyroidism?(excessive) include:

  • Feeling nervous, moody, weak, or tired.
  • Experiencing hand tremors, fast or irregular heartbeats, or having trouble breathing even when you are resting.
  • Feeling very hot, sweating a lot, or having warm, red skin that may be itchy.
  • Experiencing frequent and sometimes loose bowel movements.
  • Having fine, soft hair that is falling out.
  • Losing weight even though you are eating normally or more than usual.

Common symptoms associated with hypothyroidism?(deficient) include:

  • Coarse and thinning hair.
  • Dry skin.
  • Brittle nails.
  • A yellowish tint to the skin.
  • Slow body movements.
  • Cold skin.
  • Inability to tolerate cold.
  • Feeling tired, sluggish, or weak.
  • Memory problems, depression,?or problems concentrating.
  • Constipation
  • Heavy or irregular menstrual?periods that may last longer than 5 to 7 days.

Less common symptoms of hypothyroidism may include:

  • An enlarged thyroid?gland (goiter).
  • Modest weight gain, often?10 lb (4.5 kg)?or less.
  • Swelling of the arms, hands, legs, and feet, and facial puffiness, particularly around the eyes.
  • Hoarseness.
  • Muscle aches and cramps.

How to get tested for thyroxine imbalance.

There are specific blood tests available for getting thyroxine amounts tested, listed below

T-4, Free (Thyroxine) (Available at?True Health Labs)

T-4, Total (Thyroxine)?(Available at?True Health Labs)?

* The total T4 test measures the total amount of T4 in your blood. The free T4 measures only the T4 in your blood that’s available for your tissues to use (i.e not already bound to proteins). Free T4 testing is becoming the preferred testing practice, as it is considered to be a more accurate indicator for T4 imbalances.

T3 vs T4

If you are testing you’re thyroid for thyroxine imbalance it is also a good idea to test for triiodothyronine?(T3):

T-3, Free (Triiodothyronine) (Available at?True Health Labs)

T-3, Total (Triiodothyronine) (Available at?True Health Labs)

How to treat thyroxine imbalance.

Treating your thyroxine imbalance depends on the type of condition you have: under active or overactive thyroxine.?

Treatment for underactive thyroxine (hypothyroidism) levels include:

  • Hormone replacement through Rx medications like Levothyroxine.?A?blood test measuring your levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) will establish?how much Levothyroxine you need. (TSH test available here)
  • If you’re thyroid levels aren’t too low then either low doses of Levothyroxine, or no medication at all might be the best course. In this case it would be a good idea to adjust your diet to help better regulate your thyroid without drugs. The book The Thyroid Solution Diet focuses on addressing your thyroid through proper diet.

Treatment for overactive thyroxine (hypothyroidism) levels include:

  • Thionamides, such as carbimazole and methimazole. These are a type of medication that stops your thyroid gland producing excess amounts of thyroxine or triiodothyronine. You will need to take them for several weeks before you notice an improvement (usually between four to eight weeks).
  • Beta-blockers such as propranolol or atenolol. These medications can relieve some of the symptoms of overactive thyroid, including tremor (shaking and trembling), rapid heartbeat and hyperactivity.?Your specialist may prescribe you a beta-blocker while the condition is being diagnosed?or until?thionamide brings your thyroid gland under control. However, beta-blockers are not suitable if you have asthma.
  • Radioiodine treatment.?This is a form of radiotherapy for treating many forms of overactive thyroid. This treatment shrinks your thyroid gland, reducing the amount of thyroid hormone it can produce.?Radioiodine treatment?is?given either as a drink or a capsule to swallow. The dose of radioactivity in the radioiodine is very low and is not harmful.
  • Surgery. ?There is a chance your doctor would like to to remove all or part of the thyroid gland. This ?is known as a total or partial thyroidectomy, and is a permanent cure for recurrent overactive thyroid.


Final words of advice -?If you are serious about addressing thyroxine and general thyroid issues I highly recommend that you go right now and order a complete thyroid panel test. It could make a huge difference in your quality of life.

This test includes all of the previously mentioned tests + other valuable thyroid readings:

  • TSH
  • Total T4 (TT4)
  • Total T3 (TT3)
  • Reverse T3 (rT3)
  • T3U
  • Free T3 Index (FTI)
  • TPO and Anti-TG antibodies
  • Free T4
  • Free T3

A free review and consultation of your test results is provided with the test. You can order the test?Online at True Health Labs.

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